
Allows you to efficiently, and easily, download images for UITableViews with many rows

Primary LanguageObjective-C


This is a rewrite of Apple's LazyTableImages sample project, which allows for
efficient downloading of images in a table view with many rows. The lazy image
loading has been refactored into a class of its own, MHLazyTableImages, which
makes it very easy to use. The class MHImageCache is used to cache the images.
The code has also been changed to use blocks and ASIHTTPRequest.


The MHLazyTableImages and MHImageCache source code is copyright 2011 Matthijs
Hollemans and is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

The ASIHTTPRequest source code is copyright Ben Copsey and is licensed under 
the terms of the BSD license. http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest/

The Reachability source code is copyright Apple and Andrew W. Donoho and is
licensed under the terms of the BSD and Apple sample code licenses.

Portions of this source code are based on Apple's LazyTableImages sample and
are licensed under the terms of the Apple sample code license.

Any source files without a license header are considered to be public domain.