
Provides you with sample inputs and outputs for a codechef contest

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Provides you with sample inputs and outputs for a codechef contest

GitHub package.json version  GitHub Repo stars npm




npm i -g codeforces-contest

You can also run it via npx

npx codeforces-contest


codeforces-contest <command> [option]

Note: If globally installed you can also use cfc-cli instead of codeforces-contest

cfc-cli <command> [option]

or run it directly using npx

npx codeforces-contest <command> [option]

I have also created a kind of npx alias called cfcio [https://www.npmjs.com/package/cfcio] for convinience

npx cfcio <command> [option]


help  #prints help info


-u, --url       #Fetches sample inputs and outputs and creates folder for the contest

-f, --folder    #Defines the directory name for the folder in which the files will be

-l, --language  #Preferred language to write files. For example '-l cpp' will create .cpp files to write solutions

-c, --clear     #Clear the console, Default: false

--noClear       #Don't clear the console, Default: false

-d, --debug     #Print debug info, Default: false

-v, --version   #Print CLI version, Default: false

-i, --id        #Fetches input and output using only the contest ID, Default:Empty('')



codeforces-contest -u https://codeforces.com/contest/159 -f myfolder -l cpp


codeforces-contest  v1.0.3 by Nikhil Gupta
Provides you with sample inputs and outputs for a codechef contest
Type codeforces-contest --help for more info

Creating Folder

✔ Fetched Friends or Not
✔ Fetched Matchmaker
✔ Fetched String Manipulation 1.0
✔ Fetched Palindrome pairs
✔ Fetched Zebra Tower

✔  Completed  Created folder 'myfolder'

ℹ  Give a star  https://github.com/TheNinza/codeforces-contest