
Project of Scraping LinkedIn Profiles using beautiful soap and then applying sorting and searching algorithms on huge data

Primary LanguagePython

LinkedIn Profile Scrapper

What is in this Project

  • Scrape the linkedIn Profile of the users!
  • Perform Sorting Operations on the huge data.
  • Perform Searching Opeartions on the huge data.
  • GUI is made on QT Designer.

Sorting Algorithms

The sorting algorithms thaat are implemented in this program are listed below:

  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Bubble Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Tim Sort
  • Shell Sort
  • Cock Tail Sort
  • Comb Sort

Searching Algorithms

The searching algorithms thaat are implemented in this program are listed below:

  • Linear searching single column
  • Linear searching multi column (A bit buggy)


Muhammad Nouman Butt

You can get in touch with me on my LinkedIn Profile:

Linkedin Muhammad Nouman Butt GitHub Muhammad Nouman Butt

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