

Colorizer is an application for iOS and iPadOS designed to help artists and enthusiasts pickup, generate colors and get to know lots of other stuffs related to it with the touch of a button.


  • Generates the RGB/HSB/Hex values of the image displayed or imported or clicked from the camera

  • Generates the complimentary, monochrome, etc forms of the color selected

  • Provides direct gateway to amazon so that the user can easily purchase the selected color in the form of watercolors

  • Presence of an event section which provides users the details about upcoming events or workshops

  • Has a live mode where the user can point their device's camera at the required color and the color is automatically generated


  • Has a seperate screen present which consists of sliders where the user can alter them, thereby altering the RGB/HSB values to generate new colors

  • Ability to share the color to a friend

  • Available in two languages, i.e. English And Japanese

Built Using

  • Swift
  • Firebase
  • SQlite
  • JavaScript

Built By


Do feel free to create a branch of our code, if you feel like doing so.

Steps To Code


Latest Version of Xcode : We used Xcode with IOs 13.2 so do change iOS target if your Xcode is not updated. Note: If you directly download from this repository, make sure the pods are installed else the app wont run(follow instructions below to install pods).

Getting Started

Download the zip file of the project or click on the "Open via Xcode" option in git. On terminal, navigate to the directory of the downloaded project -> Use command pod install


On Xcode, Choose your Device or Open the Simulator with iOS 13.2 and click on the "Run" button or 'Cmd + R' as shortcut key


All the images used in the app were either screenshots during test runs and royalty free images downloaded from the internet.

Copyright © 2020 CanTin Squad. All rights reserved.