
Script to convert bonzomatic glsl fragment shaders to shadertoy

Primary LanguagePython

Bonzomatic To Shadertoy

Python script to convert bonzomatic glsl fragment shaders to use them on shadertoy.com


  • Place your shader.glsl file in the folder
  • Execute BonzomaticToShadertoy.bat
  • In a command line, you can also specify the name of the shader file: "BonzomaticToShadertoy.bat filename.glsl"
  • Open the shader.webgl file that has been created in a text editor
  • Copy-paste the code into a new shader on shadertoy.com


  • As Bonzomatic textures are not present in Shadertoy, the tool just give each a different channels and you have to assign textures in shadertoy yourself
  • FFT textures are currently assigned to a different channel each
  • Using previous frame texture will just be assigned to a texture channel, in Shadertoy you need to put your shader in "Buffer A" instead of Image so you can sample the previous frame
  • float numbers are rounded to 4 digits, because otherwise the tool would output weird numbers like 0.199999998
  • intermediary variables are often inserted before function calls
  • if you use "half" as a variable name, it will cause issues


  • Better FFT handling
  • Option to generate a json for importing with "Shadertoy unofficial plugin"
  • replace texNoise with a call to a perlin noise function
  • maybe replacing python by an exe tool so it can be autonomous
  • fixing weird float numbers inside glslangValidator/spirv-cross source code instead of afterward
  • fixing intermediary variables inserted before function calls

How it works

  • Use glslangValidator (github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang) to convert glsl to a spirv shader
  • Use spriv-cross (github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Cross) to convert the spirv shader back to webgl-ready code
  • Use python to replace part of the code to adapt the Bonzomatic shader to Shadertoy
    • replace input variables (pixel coordinates, resolution, time, main function name)
    • remove useless lines (texture definitions, version, highp)
    • round floats to 4 digits (glslangValidator/spirv-cross generate weird numbers)
    • assign textures to shadertoy channels