
A plugin for Craftbukkit to implement admin-configurable help files. With HTTP-GET support and aliasing.

Primary LanguageJava

version 1.8.1 13-Aug-2011
    * Added recognition of permissionsBukkit 1.1 so %groups% and %prigroup% will get populated the same as before.
      NOTE: If by chance Permissions and permissionsBukkit are both installed, Permissions will take priority.
version 1.8.0 17-June-2011
    * Fixed error in determining what Permissions version was installed and choosing the wrong one.
    * added command to show versions of installed plugins.  /helpp pluginversions
    * added commands to show the items that bukkit recognizes  /helpitem <filter>
version 1.78 13-June-2011
    * Fixed issue where long line without spaces was not displayed to user in console or ingame and caused the game to crash after a short while.
version 1.77 5-June-2011
    * Added additional key word replacement:
      %armor%             - Bukkit - player - The players armor durability value (0 = none, 20 = full armor not damaged)

version 1.76 2-June-2011
    * Updated to work properly with permissions version 3.0+.
    * Fixed display of message on player login so it has proper line wrapping.
version 1.75 20-May-2011
    * Added more key word replacements: (total list)
      %user%              - Bukkit - player - The players name
      %world%             - Bukkit - player - The world the player is in
      %health%            - Bukkit - player - The players health value (0 = dead, 20 = full health)
      %locx%              - Bukkit - player - The players location X
      %locy%              - Bukkit - player - The players location Y
      %locz%              - Bukkit - player - The players location Z
      %iteminhandid%      - Bukkit - player - The ID of the item the player has in hand
      %iteminhand%        - Bukkit - player - The item the player has in hand
      %isop%              - Bukkit - player - Is the player an OP - "YES" or "NO"
      %serveronlinecount% - bukkit - Number of players currently on server
      %serverver%         - bukkit - version of the server
      %groups%            - Plugin - Permissions - The list of groups to which the player belongs.
      %prigroup%          - Plugin - Permissions - The first group returned by Permissions to which the player belongs.
      %helpver%           - Plugin - HelpCenter  - Version of the plugin

version 1.74 10-May 2011
    * Added the Old style colour codes back in so it will support both.

Version 1.73 10-May-2011
    * Add Javadoc, Cleaned up additional code.
    * Allow for HelpCenter to be used in console.
    * Fixed buildHelpFiles and buildPlugin commands to be more robust and consistent in building help files.
    * Added command helpp to pull help file information directly from the server's installed plugins.

Version 1.72d 5-May-2011
    * Cleaned up internal code
    * Fixed line wrapping so it will not count chat color codes as part of the 60 char limit per line.

Version 1.72c 27-Apr-2011

    * Added support for subdirectories in the plugin/HelpCenter config folder
    * When searching for files, it searches in the followign order
        with a .txt
        without a .txt
        replacing spaces with "/" and with a .txt
        replacing spaces with "/" and without a .txt
        Example: /help ScrapBukkit clear
            "plugin/HelpCenter/scrapbukkit clear.txt"
            "plugin/HelpCenter/scrapbukkit clear"
    * /help BuildHelpFiles              This will scan bukkit for plugins and attempt to extract the .yml file for commands to build help files from.
    * /help BuildPlugin <PluginName>    This will build help file from plugin .yml file for the one plugin.
    * Added hook into Permissions to get all groups and primary groups the user belongs to. This allows for key word replacement.
        %user%       will be the players name  ex: "TheNut"
        %prigroup%   will be the first group returned from permissions. Ex: "Admin"
        %groups%     will be all groups surrounded by brackets. ex: "[Admin,Derp]
        NOTE: " ", "/", and "." will be removed from user and group names for security reasons.

Version 1.72 30-Mar-2011

    * Recompiled against latest recommended Craftbukkit build #602.

Version 1.71 21-Mar-2011

    * Fixed a minor bug with the colour code parsing

Version 1.7 18-Mar-2011

    * Recompiled against latest recommended Craftbukkit build #556.
    * Added line-wrapping functionality for long lines

Version 1.61 09-Mar-2011

    * Recompiled against latest recommended Craftbukkit build #522.
    * Fixed the CommandSender issues. Sorry about the inconvenience. :)

Version 1.6 08-Mar-2011

    * HelpCenter folder now moved to plugins/HelpCenter. This should happen automatically. If you have an empty plugins/HelpCenter folder and all your helpfiles are in HelpCenter then simply delete the empty folder plugins/HelpCenter and restart the server and it should move it properly to the new location.
    * Complete rewrite of helpfile content handling.. Now nested help keys URL/HELP work properly (and infinitely, try not to make any infinite helpfile loops! :D)
    * Recompiled against latest recommended Craftbukkit build #493.

Version 1.5 03-Mar-2011

    * Removed deprecated PLAYER_COMMAND code, replaced with the new onCommand() method.
    * Fixed /? to work the same as /help.

Version 1.4 27-Feb-2011

    * Recompiled against Craftbukkit build 440
    * Added helpfile redirection capability.
    * Added informative console output error messages.
    * Now sends "No help found for ___." to player if an error occurs (malformed redirector/url formatting, file errors, etc).
    * Removed the need to add a space before the closing ] bracket. Both ways will work now. (e.g.: "[URL http://web.site/help.file]" and "[URL http://web.site/help.file ]" will both work)

Version 1.31 24-Feb-2011

    * Removed stupidly long constructor and compiled against Craftbukkit build 432

Version 1.3 15-Feb-2011

    * Fixed bug in which all PLAYER_COMMAND events were being intercepted and mishandled.

Version 1.2 14-Feb-2011

    * Added colour capability (see codes above).
    * Added default helpfile random item capability per user request.

Version 1.1 11-Feb-2011

    * Added web-based help fetching capability (see notes above)
    * Removed command case-sensitivity. Filenames must be in lowercase (excepting HCDefault.txt as described above).

Version 1.0 10-Feb-2011

    * Created plugin.