- 2
Add intresting CSS animation project
#623 opened by siddakbagga13 - 1
- 1
Bug - :Grid exercises Solution and contradicts each other for 01-responsive-holy-grail
#606 opened by devnchill - 1
"" come at unexpected
#602 opened by P0Saurabh - 11
All exercises: Restucture folders so they reflect the structure of the curriculum
#593 opened by Eduardo06sp - 2
Bug - Main Directory: Wrong folder name
#595 opened by BoomTNT29 - 1
Documentation - Clarification - css-exercises/margin-and-padding/02-margin-and-padding-2
#588 opened by akhawasim - 4
Bug - : Intro to CSS: desired-outcome.png image does not properly illustrate desired CSS outcome
#559 opened by depleur - 1
- 2
Bug - Foundations exercise 5: Child combinator wrongly labeled as descendant combinator in solution
#558 opened by adamarous - 14
Block and Inline: <Element defaults not really being mentioned so far in the course>
#545 opened by spektukal - 2
Use actions to reduce unintentional PRs
#527 opened by fabulousgk - 2
- 1
#532 opened by StephAdongo - 8
Bug - :
#363 opened by tushar-raven - 1
Improve Documentation for CSS Exercises
#417 opened by MehakMantri - 4
README: Clarify workflow with this repo
#465 opened by fabulousgk - 2
- 3
- 4
- 4
- 1
Bug - Foundations - class-id-selectors: desired outcome and solution do not match.
#492 opened by fabulousgk - 1
CamScanner 02-22-2024 18.07
#494 opened by morodekaimihigo - 7
- 1
- 2
- 2
Make more Stylish and responsive Design
#410 opened by anirbanpati - 4
Want to a add a roll in left animation
#425 opened by BALASARVAN12 - 7
- 4
Bug - Flex exercises-02-flex-header: The font in the desired image doesn't match the solution font.
#458 opened by kesava-karri - 2
- 0
Bug - :readme, typos and grammatical errors
#430 opened by just-ctrlC-ctrlV - 1
This bug impacts the overall program
#445 opened by denisesarona - 7
- 2
- 11
Make a home landing page for all topics
#387 opened by bilalshaikh292 - 2
want to add The Slideout Footer
#426 opened by BALASARVAN12 - 0
- 1
Syntax error
#424 opened by dlaszkowicz - 1
Button hover
#388 opened by Amit242004 - 18
Bug - 03-grid-layout-3: solution to this problem doesn't use the full viewport height
#293 opened by danielpopovici745 - 5
Easy Fix - flex: 06-flex-layout: self check appears to be inconsistent with solution.css
#349 opened by SupraSensum - 1
Grammar in the file
#358 opened by housepanther - 3
- 5
Bug - : css-exercises/foundations/04-chaining-selectors / : link down in first line.
#341 opened by ssff1293 - 4
Outdated Images
#329 opened by mukuls1107 - 4
Foundations: CSS exercises swap yellow background-color to more visible colors.
#324 opened by yjchess - 1
- 15
Text contrasts poorly in holy grail layout with grid example -article section
#286 opened by winniebosy - 3
Close button div need to replace with button element
#310 opened by bzaman