
Recommended IDE Setup


Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Setup


Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

yarn dev

Compile and Minify for Production

yarn build

How the app works

This app takes a Country input, and an Income input in a form, then uses that to compute the taxes for that particular country and candidate.

How to add a new country

Look for TaxDefinitions file in the utils folder (src/utils). Then add a new country with the specified data for that country. The Data for every country should be in a specific format, see sample below. This data contains tax details for the employer and the employee and this is used to compute the eventual tax figures

countryB: {

	employerTaxes: [

		{ name: "Health Insurance", type: "direct", percentage: 21.5 },

		{ name: "Social Security", type: "direct", percentage: 1.2 },


			name: "Payroll Tax",

			type: "progressive",

			brackets: [

				{ maxAmount: 10000, percentage: 5 },

				{ maxAmount: 22000, percentage: 8 },

				{ maxAmount: 60000, percentage: 12 },

				{ maxAmount: Infinity, percentage: 15 },





	employeeTaxes: [

		{ name: "Social Security", type: "direct", percentage: 6.5 },


		name: "Income Tax",

		type: "progressive",

		brackets: [

			{ maxAmount: 25000, percentage: 5 },

			{ maxAmount: 75000, percentage: 13 },

			{ maxAmount: Infinity, percentage: 25 },



