CR-Fixes in no longer in development and only ever worked
with the old (pre 2022-10) website design.
Feel free to fork it though, if anything seems useful to
keep around for use iwth the new design.
This extension attempts to add some functions to the crunchyroll webpage, that I felt were direly needed. Like toggable autoplay, so you can read the comments at the ned of the video without being interrupted by a redirect. A dark mode so you can watch your animes alone and in the darkness without burning your eyes.
All options can be disabled individually, so you can avoid conflicts with your already existing customisations.
In fact, if you are only interested in the visual changes (darkmode, player resize, background), these can all be achieved with already existing plugins and user-scripts across most browsers.1
In case of the video quality selection, there was one user script I know of that did this, but this script doesn't work anymore.
However toggable autoplay and the hierachical multi-langual subtitle selection are to my knowledge as off publishing this unique to this extension.
THe language selection lets you define language orders like:
German -> English -> Spanish (Spain... -> Off
and the first of these languages available for your video will be selected.
For a full list of options, see the Settings section below.
Alright, here are all permissions requested by this extension, as well as a short explanation what it is needed for:
This is needed to save the settings
This is an optional permission, that might be requested on runtime, though usually the request is silently granted by the browser without any need for user interaction.
It is required to dynamically update the theme of the current tab as a preview of what this theme looks like. This happens when the theme is changed via the popup menu.
It is also required to inject the playerSettings scripts into the player iframe (along with the host permissions for www and
Requiered for "Experimental: Request DRM-free streams", see Settings section for details about what this does. Cookies can only be edited cookies for whose domains the host permission was granted.
Well, this extension changes stuff on Also the player frame is loaded from, thus only requesting "*://*"* would not be sufficient.
As the cookies for "Experimental: Request DRM-free streams" must be set for the domains (all subdomains), the extension also requests the host permission for all subdomains instead of only www and static.
Generally speaking all changes to settings require the website to be reloaded(F5), unless stated otherwise. All cahnges to settings made in the popup need to be saved before they take full effect.
Default: false
If set to true autoplay of next episode is allowed; this is the current website behaviour.
If set to false autoplay will be blocked.
This setting takes effect as of the moment it is saved
This setting can be set via the popup menu
Default: true
If set to true a custom css stylesheet will be injected into all normal pages with a dark color palette (with some ornage highlights).
If set to false no action is performed.
Set this to false, if you wish to keep the default style or if using a different extension or script to change the style of sites.
This setting can be set via the popup menu
If this setting is toggled via the popup menu and the active tab is a crunchyroll webpage, a preview of the darktheme/normal theme will be directly displayed. For it to take full effect saving is requiered and a refresh might also be necessary under certain conditions.2
Default: true
If set to true the player container will be resized according to the values defined in the input boxes. The default resize values are meant to fill the width of the template_container object, to not interfere with a possible background image.
Also if this is set to true any possible signup-box will be removed to make space for a larger video container.
If set to false, no action will be taken.
Default 16:9: 960 x 540
Default 16:9: 960 x 576
These customise the player size, if Resize Player is set to true. The values are set in pixel units. You may either enlarge or shrink the player. Minimum length is 0 and maximum length is 9999.
Default: false
Default URL: <empty string>
If set to true, the extension will attempt to inject a custom background image into the body of all crunchyroll pages and redefine the image on alll template_skin_splashlink objects, if present, though the splashlink object will still be present and clickable.
How backgrounds set by users on their userpage are treted depnds on the "Force background" option.
If set to false no action will be taken.
Default: false
If set to false custom backgrounds on crunchyroll userpages are respected, but if a crunchyroll user did not set a background for their userpage, the background will be replaced.
If set to true the background chosen by the user of this extension will replace all other backgrounds.
Default: false
If set to true the 'Simulcasts' section on the startpage will be moved above the news section.
(Simulcasts will be on top of all other sections directly below the news carousel)
Default: false
If set to true the Navbar on all regular Crunchyroll pages, will be modified according to your selection.
With this it is possible to readd the 'Forum' tab and remove unneccessary tabs.
Default: true iff CR has this in their default navbar as of writing
If set to true will keep/add tab '×××' to the navbar.
If set to false, remove tab '×××' from the navbar.
Disabled unti #2 has been resolved
Default: none
If not default value, 'activeTab' permission is required
If set to something other than none, the extension will try to set the video quality to the given value when the page is loaded.
Available values: none, auto, 1080, 720, 480, 360, 240
Disabled unti #2 has been resolved
Default: <empty string>
If not default value, 'activeTab' permission is required
If not empty the extension will try to set the subtitle language according to this option, regardless of the language of the crunchyroll website.
The value of this setting will be processed as follows:
- If the value is an empty string, no action will be taken.
- The string will be split with ';' as a seperator. Each element of this string represents one language.
- A language specified by the user is available if in the player subtitle menu, there is an entry that whose start is identical to the language. E.g. the entry French (France... will be matched by either F, French or French (France, but will not be matched by French (France).
- If the first language is an available option, this language will be selected.
- Otherwise the extension will move on to the second language requested by the user.
- This continous until a language could be set or there are no more languages set by the user.
Please note that all languages must exactly match the start of their counterparts in the player options menu. E.g. the entry for German in the player menu is German (German..., so German, Ger, G or German (German... will all match, but german, g, GER or German (Germany) would not match. If you wish to set Spanish, including the part after the parantheses might be necessary to match your desired language as the player has entries for Spanish (Spain.. and Spanish (Latin.... Only requesting Spanish might yield either of these choices.
Default: false
Dispatches a custom Trebeck SegmentId Event setting your tracking id to no
Has been reported to be useful in some cases where the real event was not executed properly.
If you don't know what this is and don't have any problems you probably don't need this, though it should do no harm.
Default: Warnings
Tells the extension what messages should be logged to console. By default only errors and warnings are logged. When submitting error reports, please use "Debug" for logs.
Removed: Cookie no longer acknowledged, but fallback to HLS by default if no Widevine supported
Default: true
When saving settings with this as true, and on browser start if this is set to true:
Setting "VILOS_DRM_ROLLOUT" cookie to the non-drm value. As crunchyroll might stop respecting this cookie value at any time, this is marked as an experimental feature.
This extension is now avialable at
Clone this repo, build and then either:
- load as temporary extension
- OR
- pack the contents of the build folder (without root folder) yourself and install from file in Firefox after allowing unsigned installs
Just send me Pullrequest or open an issue, explaining the changes made and/or the problems encountered. Please note that this projected is licensed under the GPLv3. If you contribute to this project, you consent to also release your contribution under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
Just run make
This will copy all the files inside the extension folder to the build folder (will be created if necessary) and process all //#INCLUDE
GNU make
- Some POSIX-compliant shell available as
The build was tested with GNU Make 4.1
; GNU Awk 4.1.4
and find (GNU findutils) 4.7.0-git
on GNU/Linux 5.0.0-20-generic x86_64
Known to work shells are bash
, bash --posix
, dash
and ash
All webpages and their corresponding scripts and css are located in extensions/extension_pages.
All scripts meant to modify crunchyroll are located in extension/js. All content script files start with cs_, all js files that only define functions and constants start with lib_, all scripts that are injected via browser.tabs.executeScript
start with in_ and all background scripts start with bg_.
All stylesheets for are located in extension/css.
1: In fact the darktheme provided here is a modified version of tholinka's dark crunchyroll plugin, which can be found here:
2: If the active tab was a series overview page (where all the episodes are listed) a refresh is necessary to change the container colour. And for the dark/not-dark mode to take effect in other tabs, that were not active when toggling via popup, a refresh is also necessary.