
LaTeX pre-rendering for pelican

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

LaTeX Pre-rendering for Pelican

pelican-mathml integrates LaTeX rendering directly into the pelican generation process and eliminates the delay in displaying math you usually experience on the web. It does so by hooking itself into docutils' reStructuredText parser as well as the markdown package and processing the formulas with a LaTeX to MathML or HTML translator, either latex2mathml or KaTeX. The generated HTML pages only contain the finished HTML/MathML output. Therefore, you do not need to ship a KaTeX, MathJax or similar javascript implementation with your website anymore and improve the accessibility as well as the load time of your internet presence.

Note, that if using the KaTeX backend, you still need to include the KaTeX stylesheets with your website.

For a demo (using the KaTeX backend) visit this blog post. Notice how all the formulas are just there. There is no loading and the website does not even serve the javascript part of KaTeX.

Forked from pelican-katex.


First of all, you need to have a Python3 installation. The dependencies vary depending on the backend you wnat to use.

  • For latex2mathml you only need latex2mathml, eg via pip3 install latex2mathml.
  • For KaTeX, you need a nodejs installation to run katex.js.

Currently this module is not available via pip and still uses the pelican_katex name. To make it available in developement mode, clone this repo and run the following inside the repo root:

pip3 install --user -e "$PWD"

Finally, add "pelican_katex" to the PLUGINS setting in your pelican configuration file.

If you previously used katex.js in your template, you can now remove it.


The default backend is latex2mathml.

  • latex2mathml is faster, does not require nodejs and also doesn't require a large-ish CSS file and KaTeX-fonts to be loaded. However it does not support preamble.

    While not required, you might still want to add a few CSS lines however:

    math {
        font-family: 'Latin Modern Math',math;
    math[display='inline'] {
        font-size: 110%;
    math[display='block'] {
        font-size: 135%;
        margin-block: 0.4em;
  • KaTeX supports a preamble and can generate fallback pure-HTML for browsers with subpar MathML support. However it requires nodejs, is slower in generation and also requires a special CSS-file and fonts. You must therefore add eg this to your template:

    <link rel="stylesheet"

    Note that if you only want to use KaTeX anyway it might be better to use pelican-katex instead as I can't give much support for the KaTeX backend.



In rst you write inline math with the usual math role (:math:`f(x)`) or
block math with

.. math::

    \int \textrm{math block}.

# markdown

In markdown you get inline math in between $ signs, like $f(x) = \sqrt{x}$.
Note, that $ only creates a math environment if it is preceded by whitespace
or at the beginning of a block and followed by some non-whitespace character.
This is necessary so that you can still write about the 5$ in your pocket.
Block math is triggered with

$$\int \textrm{math block}.$$

Math blocks can have linebreaks but no empty lines.


The plugin offers several configuration options that you can set in your pelicanconf.py.

# nodejs binary path or command to run KaTeX with.

# Path to the katex file to use. This project comes with version `0.10` of
# katex but if you want to use a different one you can overwrite the path
# here. To use a katex npm installation, set this to `"katex"`.
# KATEX_PATH = "/path/to/katex.js"

# By default, this plugin will redefine reStructuredText's `math` role and
# directive. However, if you prefer to have leave the docutil's defaults
# alone, you can use this to define a `katex` role for example.

# How long to wait for the initial startup of the rendering server. You can
# increasing it but if startup takes longer than one second, something is
# probably seriously broken.

# Time budget in seconds per call to the rendering engine. 1 second should
# be plenty since most renderings take less than 50ms.

# Define a preamble of LaTeX commands that will be prepended to any rendered
# LaTeX code.

# Here you can pass a dictionary of default options that you want to run
# KaTeX with. All possible options are listed on KaTeX's options page,
# https://katex.org/docs/options.html.
# KATEX = {
#     # Abort the build instead of coloring broken math in red
#     "throwOnError": True
# }

# Controls which backend will be used, available are:
#  - "latex2mathml"  (default)
#  - "katex"
# KATEX_BACKEND = "latex2mathml"

Preamble (KaTeX only)

The KATEX_PREAMBLE option allows you to share definitions between all of your math blocks across all files. It takes a string of any LaTeX commands you would like, for example

\def\ceil#1{\lceil #1 \rceil}
\def\floor#1{\lfloor #1 \rfloor}

If you have a large preamble, it might be nice to extract it into a .tex file. Note, that pelican will not be aware of changes made to that file in autoreload mode and you will have to restart pelican manually.

from pathlib import Path
KATEX_PREAMBLE = Path("preamble.tex").read_text()

You can also add more definitions per file to the preamble with preamble-blocks that do not produce any output.


.. math::


This definition will be available in subsequent blocks

.. math::


or inline :math:`\pelican = 1`.

# markdown

In markdown it is not as easy to define properties of blocks, so we chose to
start a preamble block with an @ such as


which works just the same in blocks


or inline $\pelican = 1$.