Obsidian Plugin Template with Svelte and Tailwind CSS (UnoCSS)

This is a template repository for creating an Obsidian plugin using Svelte and Tailwind CSS (UnoCSS). It provides a basic setup and structure to kickstart your development process.

Obsidian is a powerful note-taking and knowledge management application. With the help of this template, you can create a plugin that extends Obsidian's functionality using Svelte, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, along with Tailwind CSS (UnoCSS), a utility-first CSS framework.


  • Svelte integration: Leverage the power of Svelte to build interactive and reactive user interfaces.
  • Tailwind CSS (UnoCSS): Utilize the comprehensive utility classes provided by Tailwind CSS (UnoCSS) to style your plugin.
  • Easy setup: Get started quickly with a pre-configured project structure and build setup.
  • Hot-reloading: Enjoy fast development cycles with automatic reloading during development.
  • Example plugin: Includes a basic example plugin to help you understand the structure and usage.


Before you get started, ensure that you have the following software installed:

  • node.js (v14 or above)
  • bun.sh (way better than any other node package managers)

Getting Started

To create a new plugin using this template, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Use this template" button at the top of the repository to create a new repository based on this template.
  2. Clone the newly created repository to your local machine.
  3. Open a terminal and navigate to the cloned repository.
  4. Install the project dependencies by running the following command:
bun install
  1. Start the development server with hot-reloading using the following command:
bun dev
  1. In Obsidian, open Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Community plugins.
  3. Select Turn on community plugins.
  4. Under Installed plugins, enable the Obsidian Svelte Plugin by selecting the toggle button next to it.
  5. Start building your plugin by modifying the example plugin located in the src directory. You can also create new components and files as needed.
  6. Once you're ready to bundle your plugin for production, run the following command:
bun run build
  1. The bundled plugin file will be generated in the build directory.

Project Structure

The project structure follows a typical Svelte application structure with a few additional files specific to Obsidian plugin development. Here's an overview:

  • src/ - Contains the source code for your plugin.
    • main.ts - The entry point for your plugin, initializes the plugin in Obsidian.
    • styles.css - The global css styles for your plugin.
    • components/ - Contains Svelte Components.
      • Example.svelte - An example Svelte Component for the example Obsidian View.
    • views/ - Contains Obsidian Views.
      • ExampleView.ts - An example Obsidian View with Svelte.
  • build/ - The bundled output directory for the plugin generated by the build command.
  • manifest.json - The plugin manifest file that describes your plugin's metadata.

Source mapping

To get the source map to load in Obsidian, and thus allowing you to see your Typescript code when debugging, you might need to set the sourcemapBaseUrl parameter in vite.config.ts. To actual path can be found by adding the folder (test-vault) containing your .map file to the "Filesystem" tab in the debugger. Right-click the map file and select "Copy link address". Set sourcemapBaseUrl to the base address.


Here are some resources to help you get started with building plugins for Obsidian, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS (UnoCSS):


If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Contributions are welcome!


This template is available under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and use it to create your own Obsidian plugins.