Create a browser game in two days. This is the result!
Try it out here. It requires two players, so send a link to your friend or co-worker.
React app served with a Node.js/Express server both using
It's fun to play! The game works on a 'cadance' and has a realistic rock, paper, scissors feel to it.
Can use it to settle disputes over Slack, Discord, etc. You and a coworker can't decide on where to go for lunch and on different floors? No problem. Your friend wants to play Mordou and you want to play Counter-Strike? You can now decide with your virtual hands.
Looks great on 15' Macbooks.
Currently only handles two players, game malfunctions when multiple people try to play. May come back and implement a room feature later.
CSS is not formatted for smaller/mobile screens.
The code is a little cluttered/hacky. Things that could be seperated into seperate React components are just slapped into a heap of conditional renders.
- Seperate game states into different components
- Create game rooms, allowing for multiple games to be played simultaniously
- Fix CSS issues