

Primary LanguageC#

Task Tracking Web Application

Purpose of Application

  • With this application, it is aimed to follow up and sustain the tasks.

Working Logic of the Application

  • One user in Admin role is defined in the system
  • The admin user is added to the system with seed data while the application is up
  • Personnel register to the system with the role of Member
  • The admin user allows the staff to follow up the work by assigning tasks

Skills of the Application


  • Creating and editing the Priority List
  • Creating / Editing / Deleting a Task
  • Assigning the created tasks to the personnel
  • Keeping track of completed tasks
  • Viewing General statistics on the home page
  • Keeping track of "Most Completing Personnel" and "Most Visible Assigned Personnel" with graphics
  • Informing the personnel about the actions taken and the tasks completed
  • Exporting the actions taken by the personnel in Excel and Pdf format.
  • Profile Editing


  • Listing the tasks assigned self
  • Taking action regarding the assigned task
  • Follow-up of completed tasks
  • Informing about the assigned tasks.
  • Profile Editing

Setting Up The Application

  • The application is set to run in LocalDB on Sql Server by default.
  • In order to change this setting, you can change the configuration via ToDoList.DataAccess / EntityFrameworkCore / Contexts / TodoContexts path, and you can set it up on any server.
  • While on the DataAccess project, you can activate the database by running the update-database command with the help of PM Console.
  • You can change the information of the Admin user in the IdentityInitializer class in the ToDoList.WebUI project.
  • After making the relevant configurations, you can run the project.

Technology and Tools

  • Net Core 3.1
  • Sql Server
  • EntityFramework Core
  • Code First Approach
  • N-Tier Architecture
  • Nlog