
homework-2-week-3-TheOryZ created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageGo

Homework | Week 3

Book list application with Go

We have books struct object and the fields are;

- Book ID
- Book Title
- Number of Page
- Number of Stock
- Price
- Stock Code
- Author (ID ve Name)

This application has five functions.

  1. List all books (list)
  2. List the books in which the given entry is in the titles of the books. (search)
  3. Get book by ID (get)
  4. Delete the book whose ID is given. (delete)
  5. Buy the book with the ID given as many as you want and print the last information of the book on the screen.

You can access it by typing --help to see the usage patterns of the correct commands.

go run main.go --help

list command

go run main.go list

search command

go run main.go search <bookName>
go run main.go search Lord of the Ring: The Return of the King

get command

go run main.go get <bookID>
go run main.go get 5

delete command

go run main.go delete <bookID>
go run main.go delete 5

buy command

go run main.go buy <bookID> <quantity>
go run main.go buy 5 2

There is a .json file in the application where the book information is kept.

            "Name":"Frank Herbet"
         "Title":"The Lord of The Rings",
            "Name":"J. R. R. Tolkien"
            "Name":"George Orwell"
         "Title":"Brave New World",
            "Name":"Aldous Huxley"
            "Name":"Isaac Asimov"

Medium Link

You can also see an article about race condition from the link below.
