
A set of targets to test projects with CodeCeption using Ant. To be used mostly in CI systems.

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A set of targets to test projects with CodeCeption using Ant. To be used mostly in CI systems.

How to use it

This CodeCeption Ant project comes with a couple of pre-defined targets and a MacroDef.

The simplest use you can make of it is by including it and then invoking it in your project as follows:

    <!-- include the codeception ant project file -->
    <include file="${basedir}/build/codeception.xml" as="codeception"/>

    <!-- invoke it by creating a dependency on any of your targets -->
    <target name="build"
            depends="codeception.run-tests" />

codeception.run-tests will invoke codeception twice: first with the build parameter to build all the needed modules, and then with the run parameter to execute the tests.

You can also call the MacroDef and build any other call sequence if needed:

    <run suites="${codeception.suites}" options="${codeception.options}"/>


By default the project will invoke codeception as codecept run --coverage-html.

You can customise the options by setting codeception.options and codeception.suites at runtime:

$ ant -Dcodeception.suites="unit,functional" -Dcodeception.options="--xml --coverage-xml" build

Depending on your project, you might want to customise some other properties:

    <property name="tests.basedir" value="${basedir}/tests"/>
    <property name="codeception.basedir" value="${tests.basedir}/codeception"/>
    <property name="codeception.script" value="${basedir}/vendor/bin/codecept"/>
  • tests.basedir the base test dir
  • codeception.basedir where codeception tests are found
  • codeception.script where the executable of CodeCeption is

The project will halt in case the executable is not found.

Contributions are welcome

Please contribute by opening an issue or by forking and issuing a Pull Request.

If you want to do a Pull request, please be sure to read the following article first: How to write the perfect pull request.