
a small search engine written in node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Property Search

This is a small Node.js property listing search engine, using JSON as data source.

How to run it

First of all clone the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:ThePeach/search-properties.git
$ cd search-properties


This project has been created using Node.js v7.6.0.

You can either install it manually or if you have NVM you can just follow these commands:

$ nvm install
$ nvm use

Installing dependencies

All dependencies are installed via npm, just run

$ npm install

Starting the server

To start the server just run:

$ npm run serve

You can then point your browser to http://localhost:3000


There are both unit and e2e tests which can be executed with:

$ npm run test
$ npm run codeceptjs run --steps

What has been done

The project features the following tools:

Some notes on the project

This project has taken roughly 7 hours to complete. Some more details can be found in the Requirements document.

The responsiveness of the application has not been tested, as it would have required switching over to Selenium Webdriver and implement a custom helper in order to grab the computed size of the various elements.