
A fast and simple utility for measuring code performance with a consistent API for multiple languages.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


StopWatch is a fast and simple utility for measuring code performance with a consistent API for multiple languages. The idea was born out of the need to do benchmarking over the same code-block with the need to understand the average (mean), min, max, standard deviation, variance, count, and last execution time between multiple iterations.


Key count min max mean variance stdDev lastExecutionTime
ExampleClass.method1() 3 0 3 1 2 1.414213 3
ExampleClass.method2() 3 0 8 3 12.66666 3.559026 8
ExampleClass.method3() 3 0 2 0.666666 0.8888888 0.942809 2
ExampleClass.method4() 3 0 1 0.333333 0.2222222 0.471404 1
ExampleClass.method5() 3 0 0 0 0 0 0


Method Description
start(id) Start the benchmarking with a given identifier. Returns a StopWatchInternal object on which stop() can be called.
stop() Measure the performance and add to internal cache
flush() Clear the internal cache
stats() An key-value pair containing the stats per given identifier
table() String representation of a table

How to use


from stopwatch import StopWatch

sw = StopWatch.start("SOME_IDENTIFIER")
# ... more code

print StopWatch.table()

JAVASCRIPT (NodeJS + Browser)

// import or include using <script> tag

sw = StopWatch.start("SOME_IDENTIFIER")
// more code

