
A very tiny bootloader for MCUs (just testing stuff)

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

This contains test code for picoboot. A tiny bootloader for microcontrollers.
Actually this is just me experimenting with linking concepts and trying to
build the smallest, featureless, most hacky 'bootloader' possible. Don't pay
attention to this.

Obviously, not much for now.

How to Build this:
You need the following tools:
* Ninja-build. The project only supports ninja (alas, there's NO makefile)
* arm-none-eabi toolchain is used by build.ninja.
* Any version of these tools will do(I guess).
There are some external dependencies, such as:
  * The STM32 Standard Peripheral Library(SPL) and CMSIS.
  * A linker script for the board at hand(stm32f103rb for now).
  * Read the build.ninja file to know where to place the dependencies.

Build using ninja:
$ ninja