- 4
PagerDuty curl examples do not translate
#36 opened by mdowst - 4
- 2
Powershell equvalent of Curl -F
#30 opened by BITSDevops111 - 1
- 3
Consider / evaluate using PSStringScanner
#8 opened by Stephanevg - 2
#17 opened by ThePoShWolf - 1
Update for Pester v5
#32 opened by ThePoShWolf - 3
- 1
- 2
- 2
ConvertTo-IRM does not return a valid Invoke-RestMethod statement for cUrl command passed
#25 opened by balvindergill - 2
Add support for multi-line strings
#3 opened by ThePoShWolf - 0
- 1
Manifest missing description
#20 opened by ThePoShWolf - 1
Default to outputting a splat
#15 opened by ThePoShWolf - 1
- 1
Basic auth is not removed from the url
#12 opened by ThePoShWolf - 0
- 2
URL Regex broken
#1 opened by Stephanevg - 0
- 0