Suggestion to replace your greatest remap ever
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mangelozzi commented
Was looking at your maps and saw:
-- greatest remap ever
vim.keymap.set("x", "<leader>p", [["_dP]])
I think you would get a lot value out of:
Its the plugin I use the most, and think it should be built into VIM as a default text motion.
In your case you could do something like:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>p', '<Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterOperator', {})
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>P', 'Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterLine', {})
vim.keymap.set('x', '<leader>p', '<Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual', {})
From the help file:
-- [count]["x]gr{motion} = Replace {motion} text with the contents of register x.
-- Especially when using the unnamed register, this is
-- quicker than "_d{motion}P or "_c{motion}<C-R>"
-- [count]["x]grr = Replace [count] lines with the contents of register x.
-- To replace from the cursor position to the end of the
-- line use ["x]gr$
-- {Visual}["x]gr = Replace the selection with the contents of register x.