- 8
- 0
Need Help with Running Neovim Config
#132 opened by gianlucahe - 8
can any one help
#130 opened by th3gh0s8 - 1
WezTerm => multi-platform TMUX
#95 opened by aaronnickovich - 4
does anyone know what this theme is?
#128 opened by lucasfellipec - 1
vim.lsp.buf.hover() key map
#120 opened by looshch - 0
unnecessary function wrappers
#122 opened by looshch - 0
LspRestart key map
#125 opened by looshch - 0
treesitter reinstalls all parsers on each startup
#127 opened by Alino - 0
When two windows are open, only the current is highlighted and, I don't think, this is mentioend once.
#126 opened by Nilabb - 0
Suggestion to replace your greatest remap ever
#124 opened by mangelozzi - 5
Missing Prerequisite for C compiler
#118 opened by cverbiest - 3
Issue with Setting Leader Key and Ex Command in Vim on MacBook Air M1 E480: No match: g E480: No match: keymap
#117 opened by Daviddlh1 - 2
Error when sourcing harpoon.lua on Windows
#102 opened by H3AR7B3A7 - 5
E471: Argument required on using :so
#36 opened by dipyamanroy - 5
Will we get the new update for you init.lua?
#107 opened by iljo-dp - 1
`ColorMyPencils()` isn't respected when a telescope window is open after `rose-pine` 3.0.0 release
#110 opened by ikrommyd - 4
- 6
Weird background with rose-pine
#37 opened by razprod - 3
What theme is this?
#88 opened by 9mm - 2
- 0
<leader>pf problem
#99 opened by mdrahmed - 1
- 3
<leader>ps not working with ripgrep
#79 opened by em2943 - 0
Use my dicts
#85 opened by cartercanedy - 4
Packer not required
#74 opened by GosuTeacher - 2
pressing Tab doesnt autocomplete
#83 opened by agustinaguero97 - 7
E492: Not an editor command: PackerSync
#34 opened by Jubijub - 8
Erorr while sourcing colors.lua
#81 opened by umairmaratab - 1
- 9
[help] How do I select completion from lsp ?
#60 opened by fadhilsaheer - 1
- 1
[help] Error opening any file
#75 opened by aaronscarrete - 0
plugins in after is not load
#72 opened by miohieu - 1
- 3
after plugins not loading
#30 opened by SlikeDollar - 0
Include a LICENSE file
#65 opened by vapour101 - 0
:lua ColorMyPencils() not working
#64 opened by Script20 - 1
Undefined Global Vim
#61 opened by anon-marvin - 1
How are we jumping around in snippets?
#45 opened by windowsrefund - 1
Enable inlay hints
#46 opened by nikensss - 6
Rose-pine colors are different in the video
#58 opened by mmskv - 3
- 1
Completion with npm modules
#48 opened by SnekCode - 0
Errors with vim.cmd and vim.lsp.buf.format
#47 opened by HeavyMetalGeek - 0
all the simple ways of "keep pasting" (without cursor movement, word replace, strcpy, strcpy + truncate until EOL)
#42 opened by matu3ba - 3
Where to configure plugins?
#41 opened by troycomi - 3
Where are you importing your packer packages?
#39 opened by davidahmed - 2
Undo doesn't work in Windows
#31 opened by jon49 - 1
Default terminal does not work with rose-pine
#29 opened by et-hicks