
Errors with vim.cmd and vim.lsp.buf.format

HeavyMetalGeek opened this issue · 0 comments

I was going through and updating my config files and Neovim complained about the following:

  • In packer.lua : vim.cmd.packeradd("packer.nvim")
    • Resolved by changing to vim.cmd [[packeradd packer.nvim]]
  • In packer.lua : vim.cmd.colorscheme("tokyonight")
    • Resolved by changing to vim.cmd [[colorscheme tokyonight]]
  • In remap.lua : vim.cmd.Ex
    • Resolved by changing to ":Ex<CR>"
  • In remap.lua : vim.lsp.buf.format
    • Resolved by changing to `function() vim.lsp.buf.format {} end)

I'm not sure what changed, but it affected 1 of 2 of my linux installs as well as my windows install.