
Where are you importing your packer packages?

davidahmed opened this issue · 3 comments

Where are you importing your packer.lua module.

I can see this in your packer.lua

-- This file can be loaded by calling `lua require('plugins')` from your init.vim

In your ./lua/theprimeagen/init.lua, you're only importing


Will this work? If this will work, then why does it work? I.e. how can you have packer packages and not import it and yet you can PackerSync. I can't sleep thinkin about this.

You can put it in init.lua to load packer each time you open neovim. Don't confuse, packer is package manager not the package it self, once you use packer to install the package, there is no need for the packer to load the package, is neovim load the package. If you want you can download repo and port in neovim, the downside is the update process is so tedious, I absolutly hate it. And I don't know if you can use PackerSync after close and reopen neovim. You can using while follow the video because he source the file once in the packer.lua with :so mean source this file now to load the packer config.

If you want to know more, type :help plugin in neovim.

@andou-azarashi thanks for jumping in. That was my understanding as well. So it means that everytime you change packer packages, you :so it and then run PackerInstall right? v/s If you require it, then you don't have to :so as long as you restart the session or :so the init.lua.

Yes, but is not PackerInstall is PackerSync.