
Completion with npm modules

SnekCode opened this issue · 1 comments


I've been racking my brain on this one for a few days. Can't seem to find any reference out there on this problem. I have a TS project with lodash installed. Following the 0 to LSP tut I was able to make some good adjustments to my current neovim setup! Completion is not working for modules I've installed via NPM. I am running macOS 12.2 with neovim v0.8.3 via brew and have the same config as lsp.lua. :LspInfo seems to show the tsserver working just fine, note eslint must not be configured properly. I assume I'm missing a dependency?

Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 2 12 18 PM

Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 2 16 46 PM

fresh log file:

Ok looks like I was able to solve the issue on my side. I discovered I was using a non compatible version of node after running the checkhealth mason command.
- ERROR: **node**: unsupported version v12.22.12. Node version must be >= 14

Using nvm to switch solved this issue. Hopefully someone can benefit from this in the future!