
`<leader>ps` not working without ripgrep

Sc4ramouche opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey there! Thanks for "Neovim from scratch" video, it's so great!

One issue I stumbled upon is that <leader>ps didn't work on my system by default.

I searched through youtube comments to see if someone else had the same, and indeed someone did. The comment from the user EmeraldWhovian:

Thanks for the content !
An issue I had was setting the grep_string function. It didn't work, after checking :checkhealth, I found out it's because you need ripgrep installed on your system

I went and installed ripgrep as suggested and <leader>ps now works for me. Just thought I'll open an issue here in case more people run into the same thing, maybe it's worth a comment or something. Cheers!

I am away from my computer for some time. Would you be willing to make a pull request to update the readme? You could put it as the second line?

prime, can you please put this in the pinned comment and/or description of the video? you already mention

Requires neovim 0.9.x

so adding another requirement seems fair