leftPad, an 11 line piece of code that broke the internet turns out had a second incident... and it involves me... ... getting rolled
So... maybe i made a mistake where i accidentally code a "faster" of leftpad live where the results... were not faster...
ooffff you hate to see it
this inspired memes...
then it started to happen first ember -
- it hurt, but it was true
then trav -
then others
then the competition
- submissions, and more
meanwhile, yt comments be making me hate my life
Even stack overflow had their own bespoke solution... and it didn't even take advantage of tail recursion... rook
So this all started due to something called microbenchmarks.
- show what a microbenchmark is
Now the primary feature of a micro benchmark is that they lie to you
So is travvy's solution over 100x faster than the original leftpad? Was my live solution solution 50% slower than the original leftpad? Is my specialCase solution the SAME speed as the native implementation provided by padLeft?
But why do they lie to you?
they are often ran on "someone's computer." Its not a great testing environment
pgrep node pgrep rust-analyzer pgrep zls
- ladies and arch users, calm down *
not only that, but i am on a laptop... powermanagement?
the duration of the tests often hide implementation details, ie GC
usage makes a difference...
- what a string usually is
- rope
- consequence of rope
So how did i determine what leftpad was ackshually the fastest?
- create a server
- go a head, complain about it in the comments
- setup apache bench script and ensure a proper sleep between each and manual gc execution on the server if no requests (previous tests wont have as much initial effect)
- send 50 million requests that took 36 hours to complete.
- i would personally like to thank linode for not rate limiting me and giving me an instance to test on :) Thanks Andrew
- create a parser to parse apache bench results and calculate the average of the medians
- import results into google spreadsheets
- charts
What is each data point? Each data point represents 75k requests. The value is the average of the median value of 25k requests.
First, what do these charts mean? (go over axes) Second, which was the fastest? Third, What is our conclusion?
if my code is slower than so "don't look at me, i am ugly" "i guess its time to go back to python (or php)"