
Vim APM, Actions per minute, is the greatest plugin since vim-slicedbread

Primary LanguageLua


This is still a very alpha application but should be a good time to use.

Please file issues for

  • anytime you get an error
  • absolutely not working
  • missing motions or incorrect motions

Getting Started

Here is my Lazy config function.

local apm = require("vim-apm")

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>apm", function() apm:toggle_monitor() end)

If you don't know how to install plugins, this is probably not for you in this moment

Why Go?

  • i did a poll
  • I want to use go templates and htmx and live that simple life style
  • I want to use charm cli
  • I like go more than typescript
  • I like go more than javascript
  • I like go more than elixir (ok i haven't tried elixir)
  • I don't ackshually know how to program rust