
the details

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Name

An online retail front end from a legacy codebase, with a new, production-worthy backend.

Related Projects

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development



to: enter
start nodemon* npm run start
start webpack** npm run build
seed the DB npm run seed
run tests npm run test
check coverage npm run test:coverage

*will watch only the server, not the DB.

**in watch mode.


CREATE /items/
READ /items/:id
UPDATE /items/:id
DELETE /items/:id

Expected responses from READ

    "starPercentages": {
        "one": 1,
        "two": 1,
        "three": 1,
        "four": 1,
        "five": 1
    "productInfo": [],
    "_id": "5ec5fd1d5ec43cea31d96d14",
    "id": 1232,
    "productName": "String",
    "producer": "String",
    "answeredQuestions": 3,
    "numberOfRatings": 5,
    "price": 1,
    "inStock": true,
    "__v": 0

Expected request from UPDATE *

{ "anykeyabove": corespondingtype }

*update API can only update one key per request.


An nvmrc file is included if using nvm.

  • Node 6.13.0
  • etc


default port 3002

Cassandra install and start Cassandra, taking care to use JRE v8 once Postgres is installed run yarn install to install necessary packages. run cs:init followed by cs:generate to generate 10M records and then cs:seed to load up records into the DB. elapsed time on my 2013 MBP ≈ 25 minutes

PostGres install and start Postgres, include login information for it per PG* variables in a .env file in root directory per env.sample once Postgres is installed run yarn install to install necessary packages. run pg:init followed by pg:generate to generate 10M records and then pg:seed to load up records into the DB. elapsed time on my 2013 MBP ≈ 15 minutes

Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install -g webpack
npm install