
A custom TOML ConfigSerializer for AutoConfig that uses NightConfig.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT Build Average time to resolve an issue

A custom TOML ConfigSerializer for AutoConfig that uses NightConfig.

AutoConfig-TOML does not require Fabric API!


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AutoConfig-TOML aims to provide a ConfigSerializer for TOML that is slightly better than Toml4jConfigSerializer, the TOML ConfigSerializer that comes with AutoConfig.


Better validation

  • ConfigData#validatePostLoad() is always called and any updated values are written to disk on both serialization and deserialization.
  • As a result, it can be ensured that valid values are always present both in the configuration written to disk and in the configuration object.
  • Additionally, ConfigData#validatePostLoad() is also called on categories, and not just the main configuration object.
  • In addition, NightConfig's Spec* annotations are supported, and invalid values are automatically reset to the defaults.

Property keys

  • Property field names are automatically converted to lower_snake_case TOML keys.
  • Path annotations may be utilised to manually specify TOML property keys, which are not subject to this conversion.

Configuration paths

  • A Path annotation may also be used to specify the path of a configuration file relative to the configuration directory.


  • Comments for properties, categories and configuration files may be specified through the use of TOMLConfigSerializer.Comment.
  • Default, minimum and maximum values are automatically appended to the comments.

Utility methods

If a reference to the TOMLConfigSerializer is stored, the following utility methods are available:

  • TOMLConfigSerializer#getConfig() returns the configuration object.
  • TOMLConfigSerializer#reloadFromDisk() reloads the configuration from disk.


TOMLConfigSerializer can be used just like any other ConfigSerializer for AutoConfig. Example usage can be found in the test mod.

Using with Gradle

repositories {

	maven {
		url "https://dl.bintray.com/shedaniel/cloth-config-2"

	maven {
		url "https://dl.bintray.com/shedaniel/autoconfig1u"

	maven {
		url "https://jitpack.io"

dependencies {

	modImplementation("me.shedaniel.cloth:config-2:${project.clothConfigVersion}") {
		exclude(module: "fabric-api")
	include "me.shedaniel.cloth:config-2:${project.clothConfigVersion}"

	modImplementation("me.sargunvohra.mcmods:autoconfig1u:${project.autoConfigVersion}") {
		exclude(module: "fabric-api")

	include "me.sargunvohra.mcmods:autoconfig1u:${project.autoConfigVersion}"

	modImplementation "com.github.TheRandomLabs:AutoConfig-TOML:autoconfig-3.x.x-fabric-SNAPSHOT"
	include "com.github.TheRandomLabs.AutoConfig-TOML:autoconfig-3.x.x-fabric-SNAPSHOT"

Why not just write another configuration library?

  • AutoConfig lets me easily create a configuration GUI on both Fabric and Forge.
  • I'm not sure the world needs yet another configuration library.
  • This way, I don't have to maintain my own configuration library.