
A Java library for handling interactions with CurseForge.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT

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A Java library for handling interactions with CurseForge.

All public-facing code is documented with Javadoc and (mostly) tested with JUnit.


The methods found in CurseAPI can be used to retrieve information about projects and files.

  • CurseAPI#project(int) can be used to retrieve a CurseProject instance for a project ID. This CurseProject instance can then be used to retrieve information about a CurseForge project.
  • CurseAPI#searchProjects(CurseSearchQuery) can be used with a CurseSearchQuery instance to search for CurseForge projects.
  • CurseAPI#files(int) and CurseProject#files can be used to retrieve a CurseFiles instance containing all files for a project. CurseFiles extends TreeSet and contains a few utility methods for CurseFiles.
  • CurseAPI#file(int, int) can be used to retrieve a CurseFile instance for a project and file ID. CurseFiles#fileWithID(int) can be used instead if a CurseFiles instance is already available.
  • CurseAPI#fileDownloadURL(int, int) can be used to retrieve a download URL for a project and file ID. If a CurseFile is already available, CurseFile#downloadURL() can be used instead.
  • CurseAPI#downloadFile(int, int, Path) and CurseAPI#downloadFileToDirectory(int, int, Path) can be used to download a file with a specific project and file ID. If a CurseFile is already available, CurseFile#download(Path) and CurseFile#downloadToDirectory(Path) can be used instead.
  • CurseFiles instances can be filtered using CurseFileFilters:
final Optional<CurseFiles<CurseFile>> optionalFiles = CurseAPI.files(285612);

if (optionalFiles.isPresent()) {
	final CurseFiles<CurseFile> files = optionalFiles.get();
	new CurseFileFilter().gameVersionStrings("1.12.2").apply(files);
	//files.filter(new CurseFileFilter().gameVersionStrings("1.12.2"));
	logger.info("Latest 1.12.2 file: {}", files.first());
  • CurseAPI#games() can be used to retrieve a Set containing CurseGame instances that represent all supported games on CurseForge. CurseAPI#streamGames() can be used to stream these games.
  • CurseAPI#game(int) can be used to retrieve a CurseGame instance that represents the CurseForge game with a specific ID.
  • If an extension such as CurseAPI-Minecraft is installed, CurseAPI#gameVersions(int) can be used to retrieve CurseGameVersion instances representing versions of the specified game supported by CurseForge.
  • CurseAPI#categories() and CurseAPI#categories(int) can be used to retrieve a Set of CurseCategory instances representing CurseForge project categories. CurseAPI#streamCategories() and CurseAPI#streamCategories(int) can be used to retrieve a Stream for these Sets.
  • CurseAPI#category(int) can be used to retrieve a CurseCategory instance representing the CurseForge project category with the specified ID.
  • In general, null values are not returned. Methods in the CurseAPI class return Optionals.

Using with Gradle

CurseAPI can be found on Jitpack:

repositories {

	maven {
		url "https://jitpack.io"

dependencies {
	api "com.github.TheRandomLabs:CurseAPI:master-SNAPSHOT"

CurseAPI uses SLF4J to log warnings, errors and information messages.