
Alpine Linux Lightweight container with NGINX 1.16, PHP-FPM7.3 and Shopware5.6

Primary LanguageShell

Alpine Linux Lightweight container for Shopware 5

Based on Alpine Linux, Nginx and Mysql.

Not for production!

Can use for theme creating and migration test's from other Shopsystems.

Enviroment Variables for PHP

PHP.max_execution_time=30 // Shopware standard value

On browser

http://localhost/ // for install and frontend

http://localhost/backend // backend

http://localhost:8082 // phpmyadmin

Extra mysql Settings for Migrating Data and other perfomance tuning


Docker Compose

docker-compose up -d

You can found themes folder under /public folder on your host. See more in composer file.

Docker commands

docker network create -d bridge shopware_net
docker run --detach --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=shopware --env MYSQL_USER=shopware --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=shopware --env MYSQL_DATABASE=shopware --env TZ=Europe/Berlin --name shopware_db --net=shopware_net --publish 3306:3306 mysql:5.7
docker run -p 80:8080 -e PHP.max_execution_time=120 --env MYSQL_DATABASE=shopware --env MYSQL_USER=shopware --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=shopware --env MYSQL_HOST=shopware_db --env TZ=Europe/Berlin --net=shopware_net prinzmonty/shopware-nginx-php73

You can use TAG's for diferent Shopware Versions like "prinzmonty/shopware-nginx-php73:5.6.2"