
Primary LanguageVue

This is a basic demo project using Odata API (SharePoint uses Odata 2.0) to get data (posting data is similar and reference can be found in the links below.)

This uses the Vue composition API structure and binds asynchronous API call data to the view model using Pinia state management.

For this demo, I am using an Odata open API (see the HelloWorld.vue onMounted hook) for a an axios get command.
Functionaly, SharePoint API follows Odata 2.0 spec found here.
In practice, in the local development environment, you will need to use a proxy service locally to be able to avoid cross-site-scripting issues.
This Proxy works well.

This project setup:

npm init vite@latest spofvue --template vue
select the vue template
select the javascript variant

install basic quasar:
npm install quasar @quasar/extras
npm install -D @quasar/vite-plugin sass@1.32.12

install pinia: npm install pinia
install axios: npm install axios

   You can find Microsoft SharePoint REST API documentation <a href="https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest">here</a><br /><br />
  Common Odata API endpoints for SharePoint:<br />
  <span class="text-deep-orange">_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('List Title')</span> (gets information about the list)<br />
  <span class="text-deep-orange">_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('List Title')/fields</span> (gets schema data about the list structure - 
  I use this data to inject into the view model dynamically, so extensive TypeScript definitions of the schema in code are not required)<br />
  <span class="text-deep-orange">_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('List Title')/items</span> (gets actual data from the list, think of this as a data table in a database server) <br /><br />
  Once you have the data in the view model, then it can be interacted with and mutated (if needed) and then POST back to SharePoint.<br />