The intrusive "Ad blocker are not allowed on YouTube" message is annoying. This open-source project aims to address this issue by providing a solution to bypass YouTube's ad blocker detection
- 1fexdmatrix, discord 1fexd
- AareonAmazon Ops Tech IT
- akrabu
- Bec-de-Xorbin
- CallumCarmichealUnited Kingdom
- creativegiaCreativegia Agency
- cuspessor
- fossilx
- furdnad
- gjlmotea
- harriswonghk
- IKKO103
- itsyourap@projectXcloud
- JoseErnestoOnGithubPindorama, São Paulo, Brazil
- ljucam
- lmrick
- magicjohnson
- maxnowackVineForecast GmbH
- minePFcraft
- moinul107University of Chittagong
- nathanpaulyoungLayton, UT
- peitalin
- rambhau
- rcl1Proficient in Yapanese
- reddji
- SwannnilsFrance
- t5hassan
- TheDublordIntercourse, Pennsylvania
- TheRealJoelmaticC:\Users\Joel Matic
- tim-day-387
- Tim-OdermattSwitzerland
- toinouHFrance
- Wartoz
- Whathaveyudone
- zeedifTabasco, México