A simple website to assist in generating XML files for PvP Game Manager (PGM) maps. WIP

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A simple website to assist in generating XML files for PvP Game Manager (PGM) maps.



The final website is just looks only. It is NOT functional yet!

The goal of PGMGen is to simplify the XML process of mapmaking, which can often take a long time depending on the complexity of the map. While this project was never meant to replace traditional text editors and manually editing XML files, we believe that by providing a user-friendly interface with straightforward explanation for the various modules offered by PGM, it can greatly reduce the time needed to make a working map.


PGMGen is still in its infancy. As such, new features are actively being worked on and implemented.

Supported Gamemodes

  • TBD

Not implemented

  • TBD


  • Clone this repository and run npm install in the project's directory.
  • Run npm run dev to start a local development webserver.
    • By default, the website will be located at http://localhost:5173/.
  • For deploying purposes, you can use npm run build to compile everything without launching the webserver.

Contributing & Licensing

All contribution are welcomed. This project is available under the MIT license.