The Family Planner

Privacy driven Family planner

Project cancelled

Eventhough i did not commit any code yet, I realised what I was trying to do can be done with an awesome project called
So this project "The Family Planner" has been cancelled.


A monitor displaying a dashboard showing I.e. the family schedule
Privacy driven content using your own Nextcloud instance instead of something like Google


Hardware requirements

  1. (access to) A 'server' running Nextcloud and a web server
  2. i.e. A Raspberry Zero with a monitor loading the web page in kiosk mode Part
  3. Smart Phones of family members filling calendars, tasks and lists synced to the Nextcloud instance
  4. A simple small remote or gamepad to navigate the pages on the monitor.


  1. Linux

Some light function like raspbian

  1. Nextcloud, with preferably an extra user for shared content so the wabpage has no access to your own account.
  2. A lightweight web server for some static pages
  3. App (DAVx5) to sync Nextcloud calendars and lists with phones
  4. KDE-Connect mouse function for navigating

The webpage

privacy driven Locally created content
A responsive bootstrap driven website viewable on multiple device types (Monitor, tablet, phone) I think current version looks pretty neat on the desktop or tablet But it still sucks on a phone

The page content could be

  1. A menu with simple icons populated by a json file displayed on all pages
  2. Revolving background images from specified folder
  3. Actual date and time 1. Actual weather info
  4. A combined calendar of all family members. First up event enlarged on top
  5. A grocery list, Task list, Todo list
  6. Other plugins possible inthe future on other pages

Current work flow

Python scripts ran by cron jobs populating json files. JavaScript injecting content of json file into webpage to prevent page refreshes


  • Make it multi linguale


Plugins should be modular Plugins have there own page, Python script json file and JavaScript.
Similar plugins could share a single page
Pages should still be up when plugins fail to load
Still needs a lot of work.

By the way I only dabble in python, javascript and html/css