
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular Pie


npm i angular-pie


Import the AngularPieComponent to app.modules.ts.

import { AngularPieComponent } from 'angular-pie';

  declarations: [... , AngularPieComponent],

Add <lib-angular-pie></lib-angular-pie> to the app.component.html, then add a mousedown event to call the menu.

<div (mousedown)="callPie($event)" [style.width.px]="'100%'" [style.height.px]="'100%'">

Import the AngularPieService to the app.component.ts, then create a call function, add the pie slices and options.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { AngularPieService, PieOptions, PieSlice } from 'angular-pie';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.sass']
export class AppComponent {
    pieSlices: PieSlice[] = [{ title: 'Slice 1' }, { title: 'Slice 2' }, { title: 'Slice 3' }, { title: 'Slice 4' }];
    pieOptions: PieOptions = {};
    constructor(pie: AngularPieService) {}

    callPieMenu(event: MouseEvent) {

        this.pie.call(event: MouseEvent, this.pieSlices: PieSlice[], this.pieOptions: PieOptions);

Slice Functions

Adding functions to a slice is simple, create a function, then add the function name, arguments and execution context to to slice that will activate the function.

Note: the context argument is set to this in this example because the function is part of this.

pieSliceWithFunction: PieSlice = { title: 'Slice 1', func: 'sliceFunction', args: ['string arg', 123], context: this }
pieSliceWithFunction2: PieSlice = { title: 'Slice 2', func: 'sliceFunction', args: ['different String', 321], context: this }
pieSlices: PieSlice[] = [ this.pieSliceWithFunction, this.pieSliceWithFunction2, { title: 'Slice 3' }, { title: 'Slice 4' }];

pieOptions: PieOptions = {};

constructor(private pie: AngularPieService) {}

callPie(event) {
    this.pie.call(event, this.pieSlices, this, this.pieOptions);

public sliceFunction(stringArg, numberArg) {

Pie Options

Name Type Default Description
borderColor string #334157 Slice border color when not Selected, Color in hex format.
borderColorHover string #517197 Slice border color when Selected, Color in hex format.
borderWidth number 2 Width of Slice Border, in pixel.
borderRadius number 12 Slice border Radius, in pixel.
color string #151619 Color when slice is Not active or Selected, Color in hex format.
colorHover string #334157 Color when slice is selected, Color in hex format.
colorActive string #5595ee Color when slice is Active, Color in hex format.
circleBorderColor string #151619 Color if the inner circle border, Color in hex format.
circleBackgroundColor string #00000000 Color of the inner circle transparent by default, Color in hex format.
circleBorderWidth number 2 Width of the inner circle border, in pixel.
oneActiveColor boolean true If true the border color will change to the active color (colorActive) when activated, Else the border color remains the same.
font string Verdana Font family of slice title.
fontColor string #eee Font Color of slice title.
fontSize string 1 Font size of slice title, in rem.
size number 180 Size of slice container, in pixel
circleSize number 80 Size of the inner circle in, in pixel.
sliceX number 100 Slice width in pixel.
sliceY number 24 Slice height in pixel.
hideDelay number 200 Time the menu stays open after activation, in milliseconds.
round boolean false Slice width in pixel.
selectionDistance number 40 Selection Distance, in pixel.
activationDistance number 60 Activation Distance, in pixel, only acitve if activateAfterActivationDistance is set to true.
activationColorDistance number 55 Active color activation disatance, in pixel, only acitve if activateAfterActivationDistance is set to true.
activateAfterActivationDistance boolean false If true the menu gets activated after the activationDistance.
disableInnerMouseleaveActivation boolean true If false the pie menu gets activated when the cursor leaves the inner circle.
disableMouseUpActivation boolean true If false the pie menu gets activated when the mouse up event gets fired outside the inner circle.
disableCircleMousedownActvivation boolean true If false the pie menu gets activated when the mouse down event gets fired in the inner circle.
disableOuterActivation boolean false If false the pie menu gets activated when the cursor leaves the outer circle, the outer circle width is size + SliceX same for the height.
disableInnnerMouseup boolean false If false the pie menu get activated when the mouse up event gets fired in the inner circle.

Pie Slice Options

Name Optional Type Description
title No string Slice Title.
func Yes string Function Name of the function that gets fired when this slice gets activated.expected format is 'example' or 'function.example' do NOT include parentheses. arguments are passed in the args parameter.
args Yes any[ ] Function Arguments if the function that gets fired when this slice gets activated. expected format is ['arg1', 2, {arg: 3}]
context Yes any Function Execution Context.
disableImg Yes boolean False by default, only enable when an image is nedded.
imgData Yes Custom { } Used to set the image properties of this slice.

imgData Object

Name Optional Type Description
src No string Image Source
left Yes number Left position relative to Slice, in pixel.
top Yes number Top position relative to Slice, in pixel.
height Yes number Image height, in pixel.
width Yes number Image width, in pixel.