
Simple concurrent JSON database server on sockets

Primary LanguageJava

JSON Database server

A concurrent database server based on a single JSON file with the ability to store JSON objects and manipulate any individual nested values

Program arguments (Client)

-t {request_type}

Specify the type of the request

Request types:


Sets the specified value to the specified key


Gets value of the specified key


Deletes entry by key

-k {key}

Specify the key

-v {value}

Specify the value in case the request type is "set"

-in {file_name}

Specify the file name of a file containing your request.
If the -in argument followed by the file name was provided, all the previous arguments will be ignored.


> java Main -t set -k 1 -v "Hello world!" 
Client started!
Sent: {"type":"set","key":"1","value":"Hello world!"}
Received: {"response":"OK"}
> java Main -in setFile.json 
Client started!
      "name":"Elon Musk",
         "model":"Tesla Roadster",
         "name":"Falcon 9",
Received: {"response":"OK"}
> java Main -in getFile.json 
Client started!
Sent: {"type":"get","key":["person","name"]}
Received: {"response":"OK","value":"Elon Musk"}
> java Main -in updateFile.json 
Client started!
Sent: {"type":"set","key":["person","rocket","launches"],"value":"88"}
Received: {"response":"OK"}
> java Main -in secondGetFile.json 
Client started!
Sent: {"type":"get","key":["person"]}
      "name":"Elon Musk",
         "model":"Tesla Roadster",
         "name":"Falcon 9",
> java Main -in deleteFile.json 
Client started!
Sent: {"type":"delete","key":["person","car","year"]}
Received: {"response":"OK"}
> java Main -in secondGetFile.json 
Client started!
Sent: {"type":"get","key":["person"]}
      "name":"Elon Musk",
         "model":"Tesla Roadster"
         "name":"Falcon 9",
> java Main -t exit 
Client started!
Sent: {"type":"exit"}
Received: {"response":"OK"}