Google Play policy changes over the years have killed this app, and is no longer developed.
Thank you all for using my app. Never thought I'd hit 100k users on anything I'd make, but I did. Thank you
The last Android cleaner you will ever need!
Tired of the abundance of phone cleaners on the play store? Tired of them being extremely shady? Tired of them doing nothing? Tired of ads? Tired of having to pay? Me too.
There are simply way too many apps out there that claim to speed up your device. In reality, they don't do anything. LTE Cleaner only aims to clean your phone by removing safe to delete files, which not only frees up a lot of space, but also improve your privacy. Since LTE Cleaner removes .log files, which well, log what you do.
LTE Cleaner is 100% free, open source, ad free, and deletes everything it claims to.
May 13th, 2022: This project is temporaily on maintainence mode. I am currently working on projects for my startup and all my coding time is going into that for now. I will accept just about any pull request. But no real updates for some time. This will not be as long of a break as last time. But probably a couple months
- Daily cleans
- Clipboard clearing
- Easy whitelists
- Empty folders
- Logs
- Temporary files
- Caches
- Advertisement folders
Upoming major features:
- Clean SD card
- Shortcuts
- Community made filters
- Test the app with different devices
- Report issues and feature requests in the issue tracker
- Create a Pull Request
- Translate this app into more languages on Crowdin
Changes are first made on the master branch, then cherry picked on to the others
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