
Find colleagues, rooms, printers on a building map, managed by the employees

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Find your colleagues - quickly!

Project setup

Install Node version manager as described here:


Then install Node:

nvm install 12

Install yarn package manager as described here:


Download and install Postgres 11 from:


Log in into the postgres shell:

psql ( enter the password for postgressql)

and then run the following SQL script:

create user varedoo;
create database varedoo;
alter user varedoo with encrypted password 'varedoo';
grant all privileges on database varedoo to varedoo;

Clone this repo and cd into the project's root folder, then run the following command to install project's dependencies:

yarn install
yarn run build

To start the server:

cd packages/server
yarn run start:node

Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser - happy hacking!