
Demo of Arduino hardware sending data to the cloud. It is a simple web based monitoring example for Arduino - really easy to put values captured by Arduino online .

Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

======================================== About arduino_http_post

This project is an super simple example of using an Arduino board to POST data to the cloud via Exosite. It assumes that your Arduino board has a Wiznet Ethernet shield connected.

License is BSD, Copyright 2011, Exosite LLC (see LICENSE file)

Tested with Arduino 22

======================================== Quick Start

  1. Download the Arduino toolchain and development environment
  1. Open the "arduino_http_post.pde" file from the Arduino software

  2. Edit the "PUTYOURCIKHERE" value in arduino_http_post.h to match your CIK value

  1. Edit the network values in arduino_http_post.h to match your network setup
  • e.g. ip, gateway, subnet
  1. In Portals (https://portals.exosite.com), add two DataSources to match the data resource numbers the code is using.
  1. In the Arduino software, compile and verify there are no errors

  2. Go to Tools->Serial Port and select the serial port your Arduino is connected to

  3. Go to File->Upload to I/O Board to upload the program

  4. After "Done uploading" is displayed, go to https://portals.exosite.com to see your data in the cloud!

  • HINT: Your Arduino must be connected to the Internet via the RJ-45 ethernet jack

For more information on this project and other examples, checkout our Exosite Garage github page at http://exosite-garage.github.com

======================================== Release Info

Release 2011-10-18

--) added readme.md file