
Escaneo automático a vulnerabilidad de SSL HeartBleed, CCS Injection, SSLv3 POODLE, FREAK

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MIT License

1. A2SV?

Auto Scanning to SSL Vulnerability.

HeartBleed, CCS Injection, SSLv3 POODLE, FREAK... etc

A. Support Vulnerability

- CVE-2007-1858] Anonymous Cipher
- CVE-2012-4929] CRIME(SPDY)
- CVE-2014-0160] CCS Injection
- CVE-2014-0224] HeartBleed
- CVE-2014-3566] SSLv3 POODLE
- CVE-2015-0204] FREAK Attack
- CVE-2015-4000] LOGJAM Attack
- CVE-2016-0800] SSLv2 DROWN

B. Dev Plan

- PLAN] SSL Information Analysis

2. How to Install?

A. Download(clone) & Unpack A2SV

$ git clone https://github.com/hahwul/a2sv.git
$ cd a2sv

B. Install Python Package / OpenSSL

$ pip install argparse
$ pip install netaddr

$ apt-get install openssl

C. Run A2SV

$ python a2sv.py -h

3. How to Use?

usage: a2sv [-h] [-t TARGET] [-tf TARGETFILE] [-p PORT] [-m MODULE]
[-d DISPLAY] [-u] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --helpshow this help message and exit
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
Target URL and IP Address
 $ e.g -t
  -tf TARGETFILE, --targetfile TARGETFILE
Target file(list) URL and IP Address
 $ e.g -tf ./target.list
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Custom Port / Default: 443
 $ e.g -p 8080
  -m MODULE, --module MODULE
Check SSL Vuln with one module
[anonymous]: Anonymous Cipher
[crime]: Crime(SPDY)
[heart]: HeartBleed
[ccs]: CCS Injection
[poodle]: SSLv3 POODLE
[freak]: OpenSSL FREAK
[logjam]: OpenSSL LOGJAM
[drown]: SSLv2 DROWN
  -d DISPLAY, --display DISPLAY
Display output
[Y,y] Show output
[N,n] Hide output
  -o OUT, --out OUT Result write to file
 $ e.g -o /home/yourdir/result.txt
  -u, --update  Update A2SV (GIT)
  -v, --version Show Version

[Scan SSL Vulnerability]

$ python a2sv.py -t

$ python a2sv.py -t -m heartbleed

$ python a2sv.py -t -d n

$ python a2sv.py -t -p 8111

$ python a2sv.py -tf target_list.txt

[Update A2SV]

$ python a2sv.py -u

$ python a2sv.py --update

4. Support

Submit New Issue(github)

Contact hahwul@gmail.com

5. Screen shot

6. Code Reference Site

- poodle : https://github.com/supersam654/Poodle-Checker

- heartbleed : https://github.com/sensepost/heartbleed-poc

- ccs injection : https://github.com/Tripwire/OpenSSL-CCS-Inject-Test

- freak : https://gist.github.com/martinseener/d50473228719a9554e6a