Still untitled card game
#starting the game
- Run 'npm install' and 'npm start'
- Navigate to http://localhost:8000/html
- click the middle of the screen to start building a deck
- click cards until you have 30 in your deck and then confirm
- or just click 'random deck'
- click cards in your hand to play them on your turn
- click a enemy card and then a glowing card on your side of the board to attack
#playing the game
The goal is to get the enemy players Health points (Hp) to 0. At any time during your turn you can target the enemy player the same way you would target a enemy card.
Cost: you can only play cards you can afford, the cost for each card is shown at the center of the card. Your available coins are shown above your player icon.
Hp: A card with 0 or less Hp is wounded and will be destroyed at the end of that players round. A wounded card can be saved by using a healing ability. A wouded card can still attack.
Board: Your side of the board can have a maximum of 4 cards in play at once