
This project has 2 goals:

  • provide utilities to compute pagination params inside your React components
  • persist pagination params as a part of URL so a page can be reloaded and linked to (currently we support Next.js router).

See it in action

Live example: https://url-pagination.vercel.app

Code of the example: example/pages/index.tsx

Getting started

In your shell:

    yarn add next-url-pagination
    # or
    npm install next-url-pagination

In your component:

// ...
import { useUrlPagination } from 'url-pagination';

function MyComponent () {
  const pagination = useUrlPagination({ perPage: 6 });

  // use a data fetching library of your choice
  const { data, error } = useSWR<Response>(
  return (
      <PostsList posts={data.posts}/>
      <MyPagination total={data.total} page={pagination.page} onChange={pagination.onChange}  />

If you want to keep pagination in React state instead of URL, instead of useUrlPagination use usePagination.


useUrlPagination(args: UseUrlPaginationArgs): PageInfo has the following signature:

// pass to useUrlPagination
type UseUrlPaginationArgs = {
  perPage: number; // number of records per page
  page?: number = 0; // specify initial page or make the component controlled (if the value changes) 
  scrollToTop?: boolean = false; // scroll page to the top upon navigation
  hotkeys?: boolean = false; // use left/right arrows and page up/down to navigation through pagination
  total?: number; // specify total records, optional, but recommended, without it hotkey pagination won't know when the last page is reached
  pageKey?: string = 'page'; // under what key the current page is going to appear in URL
  perPageKey?: string 'size'; // under what key the page size is going to appear in URL
  shallowNavigation?: boolean = true; // if true performs shallow Next.js router navigation upon changes
  includeHref?: boolean = false; // this argument is passed through to returned results
// get as a result
type PageInfo = {
  perPage: number; // size of the page, how many records each page contains
  offset: number; // what's the offset from the start
  page: number; // current page, maybe seen as redundant because there's `offset`, but different APIs use different params, it's here for convenience
  onChange: (page: number) => void; // function to call when a page changes
  onPerPageChange: (perPage: number) => void;  // function to call when a page size changes
  pageKey: string; // see UseUrlPaginationArgs, passed through without changes
  hrefBuilder: (pageIndex: number) => string; // call this function to build a new URL path based on page number
  includeHref: boolean; // passed through from arguments


usePagination(args: UsePaginationArgs): PageInfo has the following signature (PageInfo is the same as for UseUrlPaginationArgs):

// pass to usePagination
type UsePaginationArgs = {
  perPage: number; // number of records per page
  page?: number = 0; // specify initial page or make the component controlled (if the value changes) 
  scrollToTop?: boolean = false; // scroll page to the top upon navigation
  hotkeys?: boolean = false; // use left/right arrows and page up/down to navigation through pagination
  total?: number; // specify total records, optional, but recommended, without it hotkey pagination won't know when the last page is reached


Utility to return the current page index based on offset and page size

calculatePage = ({
  offset: number;
  perPage: number;
}): number

Pagination component

The "presentation" component is not included in this library, because it's likely going to look very different in each app, however, you can find an example implementation at example/components/Pagination/index.tsx

Tree shaking

To enable tree shaking and save some space you can import functions like so:

import useUrlPagination from 'url-pagination/useUrlPagination';
import usePagination from 'url-pagination/usePagination';
// ...