A simple datapack template generator written in Python3.
Generated datapacks follow select conventions from the 'Minecraft Datapacks' Discord server. You can learn more about these conventions here or by joining the Discord server.
This version has several goals:
- Clean up the source code
- Automatically create Git repositories
- Automatically create test worlds
More features might be added in the future upon request or necessity .
- Creates datapacks based on CLI input
- Created files follow Arcensoth's IMP-Doc
- Follows the following conventions from the Minecraft Datapacks Discord:
- Datapack advancement
- Creates the
, and<namespace>:<project>
- Creates the
- Datapack uninstallation
- Creates a function that disables the datapack
- Namespace convention
- Created project files are organized by
- Created project files are organized by
- Reloading message
- A reloading message is not generated
- Datapack advancement
Clone this repository or copy the file nucleus.py
into the directory where you want to create a new datapack.
Nucleus requres the 'requests' module to work. You can install it by running pip install requests
on UNIX systems.
Simply run the python file named Nucleus.
- Better input/variable names
- refactor
- functions
- Variables for use in other options
- Minecraft directory
- Template world name
- git username
- Command line options
- t, copy a template world, move datapack there
- g, initialize a git repository
- h, link with github
- y, generate yellow shulker box
- p, path
- Create a make file to install nucleus in the user's $PATH
The original version of Nucleus was created by Gnottero. You can find him here:
- PlanetMinecraft page: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/gnottero/
- Github page: https://github.com/Gnottero