
APK: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheSauravChandra/TheRickAndMortyApp_SauravC/264b77f4b6c8ad2881398bb02a76b326571cb091/app/debug/app-debug.apk

Primary LanguageKotlin


main branch has full n final code.

APK: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheSauravChandra/TheRickAndMortyApp_SauravC/264b77f4b6c8ad2881398bb02a76b326571cb091/app/debug/app-debug.apk

Tech Used: Retrofit, MVVM, Coroutine, KoinDI, Glide.

Description: A 2 page app, with list of creatures loading from the cartoon show. On click any, a transition of image loads the details page. On clicking the blank area outside card, details close.

Note: Offline Cache is not fully impl. Needs UX change a bit.