Heritage Connector deployment

An easy way to deploy everything from Heritage Connector. The following services are included and all configured through environment variables:

  • fuseki - RDF triplestore
  • thor - front end for performing SPARQL queries
  • thor-cors-proxy - CORS proxy to enable thor to connect to fuseki
  • heritage-connector-vectors - an nearest neighbours on knowledge graph embeddings
  • heritage-connector-apis - API endpoints to wrap some common SPARQL queries and the nearest neighbours API. The API documentation is hosted at <api-endpoint>/docs.

The application also comes with a frontend, which can be accessed at <host-name>:8010/view_connections.

Prerequisites and Environment Variables

The following URLs should be added to .env, as well as the rest of the variables present in .env.sample.

  • triples file in ntriples format - TRIPLES_URL



The contents of this repo have been tested on an EC2 t3a.large instance, which has 2vCPUs and 8GB RAM.

To setup the EC2 machine:

  1. Create a machine, choosing Deep Learning Base AMI (Ubuntu 18.04) Version 44.0 as your Amazon Machine Image. (This is handy because it comes installed with docker and python).
  2. Choose t3a.large for the instance type.
  3. Choose 75GB (or larger) for the storage size.
  4. Click next until you reach the Configure Security Group screen.
  5. Open ports 80, 8080, 8020, 3030 and 8010 for the various microservices. Details of which port is served by which microservice can be found in docker-compose.yml.
  6. Launch the machine.

Setup Steps

# 1. clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/TheScienceMuseum/heritage-connector-deployment

# 2. get code for submodules
git submodule update --init

# 3. fill in env variables
cp .env.sample .env
# -- Add env variables to data files as per the prerequisities above. --
# -- The value for SPARQL_ENDPOINT_PROXIED should be                  --
# -- "http://<IP-address-of-deployed-application>:8080"               --

# 4. start containers
docker-compose up