
an ncurses python-based top down old school rpg engine

Primary LanguagePython


What will eventually, hopefully, be an ncurses python-based top down old school rpg engine for easy and fast rpg game development

We will see how far I actually get this time.

What does it do so far?

Newest to oldest changes

  • allows output to the menu window from mapObjects
  • user can create mapObjects, interactive characters that do things when stepped on
  • lets a game designer to generate a game map in gamedata.py
  • takes arrays and draws objects at given coordinates
  • allows a player to move while colliding with objects that they shouldnt be able to move through


You should install the following with pip: dill

You will also need to be running a linux distribution with Python3 installed

How do I use it?

See the Wiki


  • Sort out how im going to do the menu system (probably some sort of tab system)
  • Add maps/rooms that link up
  • Inventory system
  • Stats system
  • Combat system
  • NPC system
  • Shop system
  • Quest System
  • Simplify the game making system


  • Add interactable objects in the world map (eg chests, monsters)
    • mostly working, any futher changes/additions will need a more fleshed out menu system
  • Add moving characters - entities - that are interactable when touched
    • figured out the generation and movement of entities, however they are not yet interactable

Known issues (i.e cant be bothered trying to fix please dont ask)

  • Lenny face ascii art doesnt work due to how the characters are handled. Not sure how to fix
  • Many emoji do not work, due to being more than one character large
  • due to use of eval() when i made map objects, could potentially lead to games being used for malicious purposes - though unlikely. I may redo how the map objects work in future to get rid of this issue, but at present i cbf