
Simple app that queries a list of cars, displays it in a RecyclerView and allows the user to sort it by three factors: Distance, Plate Number & Battery Remaining.


  • Display cars in a list.
  • Add a button to sort cars by distance from user
  • Create filter for cars (by plate number & battery)
  • Dagger
  • MVVM
  • Unit/UI tests
  • Rx

Libraries Used

  • Google Play Services Locations
  • Material
  • Navigation Architecture Component
  • Coil
  • RxPermission
  • RxLocation
  • Dagger 2
  • Retrofit
  • And others...


What could've been done better How it could've been done better
Improve design and XML code Add styles & selectors for ViewHolder states
Implement Responsive Error handling for RecyclerView Define Sealed classes for three states: (Failure, Loading, Success)
Create a map with Car markers on it Create a new fragment with Google Map to which you could navigate by using BottomNavView
Receive more accurate distance between user and the car By using Distance Matrix API it is possible to receive information about distance and journey time to specified location
Replace sorting of battery remaining to filtering Add a slider that hides cars in relation to the slider threshold (could be located in BottomSheetDialogFragment)