Primary LanguageJava

VIA-Vikar Project (SEP3)

User Guide - How to run the project

1.Configure your PostgreSQL database and connection string

  • configure connection string in /DBServer/appsettings.json based on your P-SQL configuration connectionString

2.Start DBServer (dotnet required)

  • open command prompt in /DBServer folder and run these commands

3.Restore project

dotnet restore

4.Migrate tables to database (AKA create db tables inside database)

dotnet ef migrations add StudentMigrInit --context StudentContext

dotnet ef database update --context StudentContext

dotnet ef migrations add CompanyMigrInit --context CompanyContext

dotnet ef database update --context CompanyContext

5.Start web server

dotnet run

6.Start Logic Server

  • double click on LogicServer.bat

7.Start Client

  • double click on Client.bat
  • if you login for the first time use "E-123456" as username and "admin" as password