#Tree Height Code Practice

This code calculates and prints a tree shape based on the given height.

Overview The code takes the height of the tree as input and generates a tree shape using spaces (' ') and hashes ('#'). It then prints the tree to the console.

Usage To use the code, follow these steps:

Make sure you have Python installed on your system.

Copy the code to a Python code editor or create a new Python file.

Run the code.

When prompted, enter the desired height of the tree.

The code will generate and print the tree shape to the console.

Code Explanation The code uses a while loop and two for loops to generate the tree shape. It starts with a given height and decreases it by one in each iteration until it reaches zero. The number of spaces and hashes are adjusted accordingly to create the desired tree shape.

The first for loop inside the while loop is responsible for printing the spaces before the hashes. The number of spaces decreases in each iteration.

The second for loop inside the while loop prints the hashes. The number of hashes increases by two in each iteration.

After the while loop, a final for loop prints the stump of the tree, which consists of spaces followed by a single hash.